Thursday, October 30, 2008

LiFE iS...

I don't like talking much about life, since we are living life at the moment and there is too much to talk about life. Life can be a ton of things, such as exciting, awesome, depressing, complicating, crazy, worthless, entertaining, interesting, dreadful, and a ton of matters. Life wasn't meant to be easy and perfect in every way, and we try hard to have it be perfect, whether we know it or not, but nothing is ever perfect. There is always something in the way, and there always will be. We just have to deal with it and accept it as it is, or do something about it, if its possible. NOT DONE!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

whatever is on my mind at the moment...

Only IF...
we were able to fly.
wouldn't it be soo awsum!
Life would be much easier.
No gas wastes polluting the air.
Okay, thats a weird topic.
I'm a hardcore book-addict!
but, I doo love to read books.
but at times I get bored of reading.
The kind of books I enjoy reading would be
adventurous, romantic, sci-fi, fantasy, and non-fiction.
how long does this post have to be?
I'm not really sure what it is were suppose to write about, soo I'm writing whatever is on my mind at the moment, and there isn't much on my mind right now. Just these words my fingers are typing and my mind thinking. I want gum. I need gum. But my pack of gum finished. I think i'll buy another pack today. There are so many things running through my mind right now that my fingers can't run as fast as my mind. But I'd rather not have them outta my mind cuz there are so many things you wouldn't want to know of. I'm not saying nasty crazy stupid stuff, just personal things. But anyway, I'm done here.

Karlton Kyle

There are a ton of things that are important to me. My one&only nephew, Karlton, is one of the most important. He became one of the most important persons in my life the day I met him. He is the son of my oldest brother, Kyle, and mother of Karlene. My nephew has great young parents who love him and take good care of him. Karlton is a year old, but he looks a lot like he's two, going on three. He's huge! Not in a bad way. He's  cute, of course, like all babies. He has the most beautiful eyes. He's sweet, handsome, and smart. There is so much to say about him, but all I can say is that I love my nephew a lot.